Some Time It's Strange to think, How Google AdSense works exactly?
Let's Talk about few days ago. when i cheked My google Adsense account. The result made me full of surprise. It's Like Christmas Gift From my readers by clicking my Google Ads. hehe Just kidding.... (I have mention about this in my another Blog BAZAR ONLINE: Strange How the Google AdSense works at same day.)
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Reasan for this post is with in Five Clicks how i get US$ 1.52, while yesterday also 5 clicks on ads and only US$ 0.30 . So what kind of Ads make different for Google ads earnings. Here I have added Some old earnings experiance with picture that was just unbelivable, and let you think...
When i check account, i found that today's income is US$ 1.52. ( Some people don't like to share their earing online) but i think it's more friendly to share our experince How and how to..
All i have learn from the Internet, and still learning. We can see many people share their Online earnigs without any problem.
Reasan for this post is with in Five Clicks how i get US$ 1.52 , while yesterday 5 clicks and only US$ 0.30 . So what does it make different for Google ads earnings. you can check in Above Picture for Earning.
Do you think it might be Some High Paying Keywords That i have mention before i.e: credit cards, conferance Call, Citi banks, online credit, debt online or etc?
Few months ago this miracle happens 1 click and US$ 1.22 See the Picture Above
If you have some Idea you are welcome to share in the Comments. Because knowladge when you share it is more increase...
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